Orbs In Photos Thanks. An armada of bright white Orb UFO`s pass in an intelligent manner over a Spanish fort..We were out taking photos and I showed Andy how I could remove the orbs that kept getting in the photos. Orbs have been becoming more prominent in my photos and, indeed, some are caused by lens flare but others are a& . Email; Facebook& .I have been told that Orbs could be a number of things like dust ect, But i also took loads of pictures down the lane and away from the Cemetery and no Orbs showed up in any of the pictures and neither in any of my other& . View all sizes &. Share this via.. orbs in photos . Our Readers Ufo Videos & Photos& .. Author Note: This is the second post in a 3-part series about the Haunted Alton Tour organized by Mineral Springs Mall..10pm. When it comes to orbs in pictures, he says, there are basically two schools of thought: they`re either dust particles or precipitation& ...keyboard shortcuts: ← previous photo → next photo L view in light box F favorite < scroll film strip left > scroll film strip right ? show all shortcuts. 10pm. When it comes to orbs in pictures, he says, there are basically two schools of thought: they`re either dust particles or precipitation& ...keyboard shortcuts: ← previous photo → next photo L view in light box F favorite < scroll film strip left > scroll film strip right ? show all shortcuts...One of the phenomenon that is prevelent in Abadiania are the orbs... Awesome photo ..One of the phenomenon that is prevelent in Abadiania are the orbs... Awesome photo.. . View slideshow &.. Thanks Awesome photo.. . View slideshow &.. Thanks. An armada of bright white Orb UFO`s pass in an intelligent manner over a Spanish fort..We were out taking photos and I showed Andy how I could remove the orbs that kept getting in the photos. Orbs have been becoming more prominent in my photos and, indeed, some are caused by lens flare but others are a& . Email; Facebook& Thanks. An armada of bright white Orb UFO`s pass in an intelligent manner over a Spanish fort..We were out taking photos and I showed Andy how I could remove the orbs that kept getting in the photos. Orbs have been becoming more prominent in my photos and, indeed, some are caused by lens flare but others are a& . Email; Facebook& .I have been told that Orbs could be a number of things like dust ect, But i also took loads of pictures down the lane and away from the Cemetery and no Orbs showed up in any of the pictures and neither in any of my other& . View all sizes &. Share this via.. cartoon school
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